The Covid-19 pandemic was tough on the world's workforce in 2020, especially on sales executives. But not if you built a custom golf RV and hit America's highways! Follow "ACE the RV" and Randy on a journey across America camping in golf club parking lots and sporting events as they help them generate revenue for charities and businesses.
Meet the Team
Randy has always loved the game of golf, and when the Covid-19 shutdown the world, he took the chance to pursue his passion. Not golf, but to start his own business venture and become an entrepreneur. Golf just happened to be the first thing to open during the pandemic and RV travel was an excuse for social distancing.
"ACE THE RV" is a custom wrapped golf rig that gets plenty of attention on America's highways. How was he named? A long time ago, Randy had a a hole-in-one while playing a round with his late father Gordie who never had one. So now he travels the country in search of a second "ACE" using his dad's clubs.
"Longdrivin" Larry is a mannequin. You can't design custom apparel for pro shops and tournaments without one right? Besides, with his 6-foot frame and 30 inch waist, he looks great in our amazing apparel.